
About the National Agency of the Civil Aviation ...

The National Agency of the Civil Aviation (NACA) was created in 2004 by the decree N° 2004-079, in the form of a Public Establishment with industrial and commercial character equipped with the legal entity and financial autonomy.

The NACA, which replaced the old Direction of the Civil Aviation, is placed under the technical supervision of the Ministry in charge of Transportation. It has the role of working out the legislation and the aeronautical regulation and of ensuring the supervision and the control of the Civil Aviation, particularly in safety and security domains.

Indeed, the Government of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania conscious of the big role which the air transportation sector in the nation’s economy plays decided to create this agency to make of it the central body equipped with the authority necessary to ensure the mission of the supervision of the safety and the security of the civil aviation.

The various audits of safety and security of the national system of the Civil Aviation of Mauritania led by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) during these last years, showed the need for Mauritania for updating its legislation and its regulation formerly which were controls by the law n°: 78-009 dated on July 18th, 1978, relating the Code Civil Aviation like its texts of application.

For these reason, in 2011, with the promulgation of the new law N° 2011-020 dated on February 27th, 2011, relating the Code of Civil Aviation and of its Decree on enforcement of the law N° 2011 - 90 dated on March 31st, 2011, the legislation and all the basic regulations of the civil aviation were revised and levelling compared to the international requirements on the matter.

Also of other texts of application (Decrees) elaborated and were published of which in particular decrees carrying adoption of 18 Aeronautical Technical Rules (ATR) relative to the 18 appendices with the Convention of Chicago relating to the international civil aviation.

Parallel to the revision of this legislative framework and lawful basic, a proof reorganization of the NACA was also committed in order to establish a national system of supervision of the aeronautical activity powerful and effective.

Today, the National Agency of the Civil Aviation includes in addition to one Direction of Human Resources and a Financial Direction, four other technical directions which are:
• The Direction of Air Transportation;
• The Direction of Aeronautical Safety;
• The Direction of Safety of Aerodromes and Air Navigation;
• The Direction of Safety and Facilitation.

The NACA has of a qualified technical staff and a body of inspectors entitled to conclude controls and inspections of safety and security of the aircraft industry (airline companies, managers of aerodromes and service providers of the air navigation). A training continuous program was established and implemented by the NACA in order to perennial the assets in terms of competence.

In collaboration with the administrations under supervision which are the Agency of the Air Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar (AANSAM) and the Company of the Airports of Mauritania (SAM), the NACA takes care to appreciably improve the level and quality of the service provided in the fields of the air navigation and the exploitation of the aircraft and the aerodromes in Mauritania.

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© 2004 - 2015
The National Agency of the Civil Aviation- Mauritania

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